Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Art 1: Perspective Drawing

1-Pt Perspective Name: We introduced perspective by creating our names in 1-pt perspective.

1-Pt Perspective Re-Designed Hallway: We took a couple days in the hallway to create 1-pt perspective drawings of the space. After we completed our hallway drawings we created another hallway drawing where we redesigned the hall into a hallway that students would like to walk through.

2-Pt Perspective Historical Building: We wrapped up our perspective drawing unit by creating a 2-pt perspective drawing of a historical building from the area.

Monday, December 12, 2011

4-Steps To Abstraction

   This project is our introduction into abstract art. The idea is simple you take an image and paint it in the first square. In the secound square you zoom in on an interesting section of the image and paint it. In the third square you zoom in more. By the fourth square the image is abstract. I had the students focus on the color and shape of the section they were zooming in on so that their final square would create an interesting abstract composition.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Art 2: Figure Drawing

For our final project in our figure drawing unit we took multiple figures and put them together into a visually pleasing composition. Our compositions focused on creating a foreground, middle-ground, and background. On our finished product we used  black and white conte' crayon on gray toned paper. The final product turned out very well!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

End of Marking Period 1

It's hard to believe the first marking period is already complete. Here are some pictures from the first marking period for your enjoyment.

Is that Coach Puffpaff???

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Superhero Figure Drawing (Art 1)

   We just finished up our unit on figure drawing in the art 1 classes. We started by learning correct proportions of the human figure. Later, we spent a few days standing on tables and learning how to create gesture drawings. Lastly, we finished up the unit by creating "superhero figure drawings" using my action figures. Some of my action figures are on their last leg (literally), but the students were still able to create some very nice pieces.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The pumpkins and murals are up!

What a great week! Both the mural project and the pumpkin project are complete and up for your viewing pleasure in downtown St. Louis. Both projects turned out great. The kids really had a lot of fun. So, if you happen to be in the area, swing through and check them out. Hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Community Mural Project: Day 1

  What an amazing day! Monday was day one of the first fall community mural project. The advanced art students and myself spent the day down with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders working on fall themed murals to hang in the downtown businesses. It was great getting the chance to watch my advanced art students mentor and teach the elementary students. We worked hard and had a lot of fun!! Thanks goes out to all who helped make this a possibility-- it was a great success. I can't wait to get them up in downtown St. Louis for everyone to enjoy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Pumpkins Are Here!!!

Get ready Art Club and Art 2 classes!!! The community pumpkin project is under way. The pumpkins have made it to the art room just in time for Homecoming week. As we speak, I have 50 pumpkins sitting in the back of the class just waiting to be painted for the community to marvel at. Big thanks goes out to all who made this project possible!!! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First Projects

Wow does time fly!! We have had a great start to the school year. Let me get you caught up to speed on what's been happening. 
The advanced art class has been working on a diptych (a two part series) working from “Jimmy” the class skeleton. 

Art 2: They have just finished up their work on the old stool drawing. Just look at the those claws on that stool. I wouldn’t want to mess with it:)

Art 1: Pop cans everywhere! We did some observational line drawings of pop cans. First, we drew a regular can and then we drew a crushed pop can. Now that we are done with this project I guess it's time for me to cut down on my mountain dew intake:)